Hi ,

Your brands products stand out best when truly representing your bottles presence; and nothing acchomplishes this better than our Bottle Replica Sidecars and Shakers. We have designed, manufactured and delivered custom Bottle Replica Sidecars for Avion, Patron, Altos, Caesar's Highroller and Bottle Replica Shakers in glass and plastic for Patron, Avion, Southern Comfort and 1800 Tequila

Bottle Replica Sidecars - 

Bottle Replica Shakers - 

Bottle Replica Stir Rods -
Please see the example below of how Avion used their Replica Shakers at BWW and Patron used their Replica Shakers at Chilli's. These programs generated millions in additional sales and 50% increase in liquor sales for those respective brands:

Let me know if you would be interested in pricing or samples?

Thank you,

Click here to see our brand new 2017 Interactive Catalog!

Nemanja Komadina
Director of Sales
RP & Associates
p: (310) 372-9709